Chimte Wale Baba Meme Template | Mahakumbh Mela

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List of Situations

  1. When someone asks a redundant question in class
    • “Teacher: Any doubts?
      Student: What does ‘doubt’ mean?”
    • Baba: “Chimta time.”
  2. Friend repeatedly asks for movie recommendations but never watches them
    • *”Friend: Suggest me a good movie.”
      Me: “Last time you didn’t even finish one episode!”
  3. Parents questioning after checking your phone notifications
    • “Mom: Why are there 50+ texts from ‘Group Chat 🤯’?”
    • Baba: “Ready with the chimta!”
  4. Coworker asking for updates before the deadline
    • “Boss: Is the report done?
      Me (still working on it): Baba enters the scene.”
  5. Relatives questioning about marriage at family gatherings
    • *”Aunty: Beta, shaadi kab karoge?”
      Baba: “Hold my chimta.”
  6. Online customer repeatedly asking for the price of a product
    • “Customer: Price?
      Business: It’s in the post.
      Customer: And the price?”
  7. Tech support facing repeated “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” situations
    • “User: My laptop won’t start.
      Tech: Have you tried rebooting?
      User: What’s rebooting?”
  8. When a teammate asks for meeting notes after skipping the meeting
    • “Teammate: What was discussed in the meeting I missed?
      Baba: Chimta intensifies.”
  9. Roommate repeatedly asking for Wi-Fi password
    • “Roommate: What’s the Wi-Fi password again?
      Me: Baba is ready.”
  10. Siblings asking for food that they refused earlier
    • “Sibling: Are you gonna finish that pizza?
      Me: ‘You just said you weren’t hungry!'”

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